Sunday, January 9, 2011

looking at a new society: Responsibility

Well its that weird time again when I start thinking about my society and its problems. Again and Again I see the inherent corruption in our people, the failure to believe, the dangerous emptyness that comes from burnout, the inability to want something better, the dangerous problems of post economic thought, and the horrible reality of political destruction. of cultural and social values.

I hate seeing my society this way, seeing the crap that is in it and the corruption that is enveloping it.To see what I am seeing you need to understand were I am coming from. I can accept people having vices but I see all vices from greed, to sexual imorrality to lack of religious conviction as being a parasitic social penalty. I can accept that people contain different moral stances and generally belive that people deserve to have their own views and to be able to live by and take responsibility for them, but not if those moral stances are to the detriment of the society as a whole.

Responsibility is the key word there, as I am glad for all people to have the right to believe and follow their own moral dictates but only if they take the responsibility for their actions that go along with it. You screw someone and leave them with a kid, you pay for it and don't expect anyone else to. You fail to attempt to render critical assistance to those in life threatening situations, expect that you will get hit with a manslaughter charge, fail to solve your problems with words accept that you will have to pay for your problems some other way. Take drugs, accept the morning where you are lying face down in the gutter unable to move, with out friends and with broken brain-cells.

The problem here is the disconnect between doing something, accepting a sin and taking responsibility for it. I see it every week with my friends, associates and family. people forget to understand that people need to take responsibility, that it is their actions that got them where ever they are, that every time you fail to take responsibility you screw someone else who in turn will corrupt the society you are in and poison the environment for its trust.

However my viewpoint also contains acceptance of the various moral stances and with it the different sexual, religious, cultural and political view points that are beneficial to the society as a whole. Things like family, collectivism, positive cultural traditions, religious freedom, the right to take responsibiltiy for your actions, the removal of actual discrimination between the sexes, preferences and genetic variances and positive economic values are all things I see as worthy ideals that should be added to.
 Obviously I only see my own moral and cultural outlook as the most valid, and my belief in Christ, true monarchy, and the ten commandments as the most appropriate outlook for a functioning and healthy society. But I am backed up by the studies in most cases.

Corruption is too obvious and is spreading because the strong moral outlook and the positive values are being swallowed by the negative. There are too many people without strong empathy, without an understanding of responsibilty, without conscience, without an understanding of social responsibility or cultural requirement, willing to spread hate, wanting to coddle others and with it remove others rights of responsibility.

Taking responsibility from others is fine if you are working with children and teaching and nurturing them to adulthood but if you are just removing others worth and giving people rights without responsibility you stunt a people and build into a subculture dependancy, hatred, and selfishness. You get what we see in the mental health sector, the broken suburbs, the aboriginal communities and to a much lesser extent the dole ques.

So what do we do about responsibility? what do we do about a moral outlook that is failing? Maybe next time..


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