I have a fantastic family. Not only my flesh and blood but mostly the one I have in my friends family. I am an oly child but this was seen as been a benefit to me not a detriment but only because of my best friend and my relationship to him. My best friend from reception or in American speak kindergarten, is still my closest and best friend and his sister and brother are my virtual brother and sister, his mum and dad the other parents I never had.
Without the gift of these fantastic additions to my growth and experience I would have been a major disappointment and become something I do not wish to think about but unfortunately see every day when I role play and enjoy my hobby of choice. I would have been faithless, angry, impatient, probably violent, and definitely dead before now. The person I would have been is there hiding in my soul, waiting to recover and get up from its burial so long ago. I know it as I see, read and enjoy the company of people who didn't get blessed with my extended family and the incredible love and security they provided.
Instead my friend showed me his childish faith, tried to save a friend we both knew from his downward spiral and anti-religious rhetoric, gave me patience when I wanted to destroy myself, gave me understanding when I needed to talk to another, gave me a series of events that allowed me to vicariously experience the up's and down's of love and romance, showed me the idea of joy, and for a very long time allowed me to see past his barriers. His family tried to show me how to be a better person, taught me how a faithful family can operate, gave me love as if I was another member of the family, and has always been connected to the better part of my nature.
I have never fully shared my inner workings with him as I know much of the man I know now is anouther being than the person I once knew past the barriers, but when I have a chance to see him and his wife I am always transported into another time and the better part of my nature comes to the fore.
Last night was one of those nights. I got to enjoy the night with my family, their husbands and wives and their children. It was a night to remember where I wasn't the odd one out. I was in the presence of people I love and truly care about. Enjoying the company. Enjoying the fellowship. Without jealousy. WIthout the normal pain of my existence. Just a chance to be and see the best in others. .
Then as left tired and spent I saw with terrifying clarity who I would I have been without them. Without their structure and their faith. with the generalised Australian belief system instead of a strong moral, sexual and religious code. I would have been much poorer without them and I started to think about all the other people I love and care about; all my role-playing friends, all the guys and girls from uni, all my school friends, all the guys from my work groups, and I started to see how few friends really are there with the incredible riches of love and faith that I have been blessed with.
I have watched friends lose themselves in love and life, breaking hearts, losing love, causing upset and hatred, actively inviting discord, causing pain, acting in Machiavellian manners, hating others, and taking passion so seriously that they forget to enjoy it. I have seen people forget to live a life and instead desperately fight for the moment forgetting the whole, living for the momentary pleasure, forgetting the pain that comes for themselves or others in that action. Others choose the path of excess and need with drunkenness, orgies, sex, violence, discord, hatred, drugs, passion, pain, fetishes, purchases, debt, and I have been scraping up the brain cells and credit cards of these people for years now. Sin of all sorts has been around me briefly touching me and the demons in them are as obvious as the angels in the songs of praise to god. I could have been one of the many Australians that are part of them, lost in the easy way out but instead I was given a gift of family and friends that made me a very different person.
The strength of love they have given me lead me to my god, the grace they held me by allowed me to erect the barriers to my empathic abilities and allowed me to be silent in myself, their boisterousness broke my sloth and laziness prompting me to action, their sense of justice allowed me to stand up for others and get cut down for it losing my job but not my faith. Their hope for me kept me moving when I was dead and wanted death so much it was in every fibre of my being. Their knowledge of sexual morality was instilled into me allowing me to hold off advances and the biting back the choices of drugs and sex when they were presented keeping me from being so easily overcome by them. Their understanding of alcohol and joy has allowed me to enjoy the pleasures of alcohol and fellowship and not take the path of excess and desire. Their joy in the company of each other has made it so that I want the same thing. and their understanding of death, their understanding of pain and anger has allowed me to grieve and slowly heal from the loss of my first love and her murder.
I cannot but help thank them for this gift and a wish to impart at least the basic level of understanding to others.
A site of the strange and wonderful ideas, assumptions and possible alternative ways of improving our place in this world.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
in getting to know oneself
I am starting to finally see some the problems in my psychological make up and my empathic makeup. I felt it more today than I have in a long time and it hurt me more deeply and effectively to know myself than I have ever done before. It was when I was offered a gift I would have been glad to have had the day before and not only did I not want it but I found myself upsetting people I love just by my body language and inflection. They didn't even know I was doing it but I could feel it in my empathic make up and couldn't stop the upset and hurt I was feeling and projecting, for no real reason, translating into the world around me. If I hadn't kept away from the crowds at this time I know I would have started fights and vamped joy from others.
I would have at another time gladly taken the assistance, and the gift offered but today the need to project that pain, anger and sadness was unable to be contained and ruined what should have been a good thing.
The wound that was seen in that moment when I projected without recourse or ability to contain it was something I have been shying away from for a very long time. It has caused some things in me that I would rather not see but equally I cannot escape. It came to me with sudden sadness that I am a person with a mood disorder as well as empathic gifts, normally held in check in a numbness of sloth and depression, punctuated with a deep sadness that brings me to the edge of weeping for myself, the world I live in and the people I will never know.
But the flip side is there too, even if it is shorter and less well developed. I know that for tiny moments I am blessed with extreme insight, if not happiness, and when I let my guard down can even feel joy. This is not my natural state any more although I remember when I was open and able to experience that joy I close myself off from so tightly now. I remember before I went to school, and was bullied and called fat constantly leading me to eat more in an emotional redundancy loop.
I hated running around, I enjoyed and still enjoy food, and blocked the world out by trying to not conform and growing larger, fatter and more obese because the children around me poured scorn into me. I was one of those people who reacted to the scorn by taking it as my mantle and taking it as my banner. I bottled the rage, the hurt and the violence I knew would be released if I really reacted to the constant pressure against me. I made it into a core of firey rage that allowed me to build barriers and slowly rebuild my internal outlook but it also has crippled me.
I am an empath, not strong but generally able to pick up the surface feelings, the lies, the betrayals, and the obvious thoughts of people around me. If I know someone well it becomes background, and I actively avoid what would really hurt them to know only intervening if people are hurting, out of sorts or carrying another life, but I am not that good with people I am getting to know. I find myself looking at their thoughts, getting to know the language that is part of their make up, and sometimes looking deeper than they expect. It is that first moment of proper connection I crave, its an addiction I cannot describe. better than any drug because it is the person exposed fully and for a brief moment they have no secrets, no hang ups, and my barriers disappear. but it doesn't last, everyone puts up their barriers..
the person that does it the most is me.
I cannot allow myself to exist as a full person. I cannot feel joy without the barriers being down as joy is the expression of hope and happiness with others, it is not just a mild moment of endorphin rush, it is not just a change of the sadness to lack of sadness, it is far bigger than that and as an empath I know it more fully than most.
instead i have crippled myself with rage, sadness, numbness and pain. hiding in a shell of flesh to reduce the noise of others emotions (it does work), ignoring my empathic senses for just what I can see, forgetting that I can touch, taste, smell and hear as well with my empathic senses giving me clues and building the picture clarifies that which is who I am. I find myself unable to feel true happiness, as the absence of sadness is not happiness, the absence of pain is not joy. I find that I have smothered the ball of fire that once I could use to motivate my righteousness, my rage is crystalised and numb but the fire is still there in a heart of ice, burning cold making me icy and hurting others without my control.
It also reminded me that I am an egotistical man with the belief that all people deserve to have a real chance to contribute to the society that we all inhabit. I believe that people need to live lives not just exist in them. To "wake up" but at the same time I see that I have been asleep to my own internal dialogue. I have hidden from myself my needs to rebuild my internal map, open myself to opportunities of joy, to return to my faith.
The only thing that has kept me from killing myself when in this emptiness comes to me is my faith in god. I have made my peace with death, and uriel and I have an understanding that when he comes for me finally I am not upset with it. however because I believe that suicide is a sin and it is not my life to lose, or use, but Jesus's it makes it fairly obvious that I won't give up my life unless that is what is needed for the greater good. Not the human "greater good" but god's.
The odd thing is I know that if I had not made the commitment to god this way I would have destroyed others by now. I am a microbiologist with the knowledge of thousands of fungi and virus. the skills to use them in the wrong way, and with the ball of rage burning in me, the incentive to use them that way. I would have killed myself but so many others would have gone with me and areas around the world would have been quarantined for generations. I could not have constrained the rage that was in me. I could not have forgiven others for the wrongs that they dealt me. Innocence would not have been a good enough excuse. Instead I would have turned the heart of fire onto others instead of internalising the pain and crippling myself in the process. I choose the right way but I need to heal and this requires more than I can deal with by myself.
Instead I was saved by faith and the horrific knowledge I held was safely avoided.
It is a moment of wonder to me that I didn't choose the path of destruction. that I chose to love others, to want the best for all people. To not become a bully. To not become a liar, a thief and a murderer. To not allow my machevalian tendancies and knowledge to be the primary part of me. Instead i have been granted faith, hope and love. and the greatest of these really is love. I may not feel joy often, but unconditional love is always there, even if I forget to notice it. It is there, greater than me, greater than the love I get from my family and friends, greater than the love I touch on when I see the entrails of the world. Not Éros, Agápe, Philia, or even Storge. Instead there is a love that transcends the love I as an empath can comprehend and I cannot avoid it. Everyone is embraced in it but only those that choose to open their hearts, their minds and their souls to it can ever understand what an incredible force it is guiding and moving through us all.
Once you choose to open your heart it is there, waiting, changing the world one person at a time. it is never reduced, eternal not infinite, and I can finally see how much it has been part of me for so long supporting my healing, and finally today exposing me to the realities of my internal processes. But I know that I need something more than just my faith to do the healing. God performs wonders but the tools are here for a reason.
I'm going to have to change and heal again or this is going to be a problem in me forever. I am being shown this for a reason now I have to do something about it.
Friday, December 17, 2010
musing on music
Music is one of the great ideas of the universe. it is every where, hidden in rings of electrons, in the background radiation of the stars, in the moment between infinities. And amazingly we have been born to hear and to produce it. The possibilities of music, the mathematics of tone, tempo, and rhythm, the magic of empathic response, and the facets of memory that music invokes have been rebuilding me over the last few years.
The frisson that comes as I sing for my god, as I listen to the words of truly gifted singers and music makers and as I hear the music in the background of the world change me and make me something else each time I hear it. I hear it all trying to sing his name even as we humans change it with the noise of industry to sing our own praises it still is there the universe making music to a greater force than we will ever understand.
I really do understand now why Jesus talked about the rocks praising and calling his name because it is there in the very structure of the universe praising him with every movement. It is there if you want to listen to it but it needs a still silent place to hear the song that is everywhere. To feel the frission move through you, cut you to the quick and change you in its song.
The frisson that comes as I sing for my god, as I listen to the words of truly gifted singers and music makers and as I hear the music in the background of the world change me and make me something else each time I hear it. I hear it all trying to sing his name even as we humans change it with the noise of industry to sing our own praises it still is there the universe making music to a greater force than we will ever understand.
I really do understand now why Jesus talked about the rocks praising and calling his name because it is there in the very structure of the universe praising him with every movement. It is there if you want to listen to it but it needs a still silent place to hear the song that is everywhere. To feel the frission move through you, cut you to the quick and change you in its song.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Death at sea
The deaths that occurred today on the shores of Christmas Island are horrible. But totally expected. It is what happens when people take a leaky boat into the heart of a storm. What amazes and heartens me is that over 40 people were saved but they were all sold a lot of bullshit that they were going to make it and what happened was totally avoidable if they had chosen a more wise course.
We are not happy to take people in via the seas. We are willing to take people from the refugee camps. The problem is that every person who comes in on the sea, spends money to break the order, and risks their lives and the lives of the Australians who have to rescue them, detain them and process them cost someone in a camp their chance.
My friends who have come here through the proper channels via the camps, through the refuge process are exemplars of the right way. By the son sponsoring the rest of the family into Australia allowing them to contribute to our society, by teaching our language to all of his family and the other people he has sponsored into this nation since, by the family providing jobs, shelter, and chance we are blessed by their presence. But the tragedy today will forget the right way again and take places that people who have been in the camps for years should have had.
However the real villains here are the people who sold the poor fools the dream of Australia and its tolerant laws. These are people that need to be exposed more than any other and deserve to be published in the Jakarta times for sending people to their deaths. In a world where Wiki-Leaks is leaking the misconduct of politicians, senior public servants and diplomats the leaks that really need to be seen are the ones that tell of the real villain's here. The murderers, the organized criminal fraternity, and in the case of today's deaths the people smugglers who sell dreams of illegal action, and send people to their deaths in rough seas.
It should be remembered that in the old days of Australia sinkings were a common occurrence with thousands dying from the nature of the storms that surround our nation. It is not a place for the unprepared, and storms, sinkings and dying are not unsurprising even if we as a nation mourn for the people who would have been rejected if they got here.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
I love miniatures and the joy of painting them. I love the static models of figures that never were, of people I will never meet, of machines that cannot be or I will never actually experience. I love using them in games, designing them, constructing them, and making them something more than little pieces of plastic and metal. giving them personalities, giving them something in the moment of joy.
But it is in models I have the hardest time when I am unemployed, when I am without hope, when I am numb. for in their static nature, I see myself reflected and an infinite loop is born. I find myself hating, hungering for something, willing these tiny figures to "be". I find it so hard to make them alive when I feel so dead inside, so empty of hope and wonder. How can I paint and design something that mocks you with its life in a static moment when you cannot even live a real moment.
I don't love anyone special right now, I feel little lust, little eros, little hurt, desire, or pain. I cannot but feel without the core of who I am, aimless, adrift and under the numbness an anger burns that I need to deal with soon or it will turn to bile and degradation. It is only my faith, my moments of joy, my mother and father, and the few friends I have not alienated that have kept me from breaking completely. But in the models, in the figures I have completed and made I see something else, the brokenness I have isn't always mine, sometimes the brokenness is a source of beauty, a moment where life could nearly be. It hurts to see them but it brings me back from the numbness, and sometimes changes the anger that burns from so many years of taunts, insults, rejection, fear, and outright hatred; into something milder and then I find myself with a brush in hand changing the world one tiny figure at a time.
But it is in models I have the hardest time when I am unemployed, when I am without hope, when I am numb. for in their static nature, I see myself reflected and an infinite loop is born. I find myself hating, hungering for something, willing these tiny figures to "be". I find it so hard to make them alive when I feel so dead inside, so empty of hope and wonder. How can I paint and design something that mocks you with its life in a static moment when you cannot even live a real moment.
I don't love anyone special right now, I feel little lust, little eros, little hurt, desire, or pain. I cannot but feel without the core of who I am, aimless, adrift and under the numbness an anger burns that I need to deal with soon or it will turn to bile and degradation. It is only my faith, my moments of joy, my mother and father, and the few friends I have not alienated that have kept me from breaking completely. But in the models, in the figures I have completed and made I see something else, the brokenness I have isn't always mine, sometimes the brokenness is a source of beauty, a moment where life could nearly be. It hurts to see them but it brings me back from the numbness, and sometimes changes the anger that burns from so many years of taunts, insults, rejection, fear, and outright hatred; into something milder and then I find myself with a brush in hand changing the world one tiny figure at a time.
things in the shadows
So your looking at a sunset and being overwhelmed by the beauty of it, and you find yourself seeing the shadows that it casts not at the colour. the fact that night is coming and in the twilight majesty between pink/ purple sky and the deep blue night you are alive. its something to be alive in, a moment to reflect about the choices between faith, the world and your devotion to conscious.
ever had that feeling that comes from being dazzled by the beauty that you know will be so soon gone and then watching that light gutter and die, leaving a you in a still almost black blue. it changes me every time I see it. it remind's me I am alive and even when I cease, my presence will be felt even if people never looked out of their windows and saw me for who I am. It remind's me that the presence I want them to feel is the peace and beauty that I see at the moment of ending, not a sadness for the day gone, but a moment to reflect on the beauty that is to come again tonight and tomorrow.
its the fact that there are shadows that make me see the joy in the day as most day's for me are times of terror, hurt and pain, but in the moment of twilight as the sun sets with its brilliant golden light filtered in the sky, its purple meringue like clouds reflecting the angel of the day I find myself in the shadows expectant, wondering, and aware that the shadows have again caught me and woken me up. Night is where I am alive, but it is in day that I exist and can do what is needed but it is hard to wake up to a day full of shadows of shadows.
I am worried
looking at infinity
Wow, its been more than a year since I saw my self needing to be open with the world at large. A year of spiritual change and physical change. The year started in a funk, with me with out a job, without much in the way of hope and definitely without the drive to make much more of myself. I couldn't continue my studies because of financial constraints, was very very depressed but surprisingly the death thoughts were not part of the daily grind, and numbness was my only constant companion. It got better when I thought I could change my destiny a little by using the courses given by the unemployment services to choose a job that I could do even if it wasn't something I was really designed for, and over the middle of the year I worked hard and got that qualification, I even did on the job training and work experience and volunteering in the field to get a chance at something long term.
Then I go and get myself sick and under an x-ray find out that I can't do anything with my back again as I have multiple fractures, curvature of the spine, and possibly massive bone density problems. Now I expected cancer, I expected heart disease, but finding that my bones are choosing not to be part of my body is something I really didn't expect. Add to that a possibility of a chronic lung disease when I don't smoke, don't breath smog, and only have a mild form of hay-fever and actively try to keep the dust levels down and It really is one of those oh crap moments when the numbness finally breaks and terror, hatred of my life, upset at my lack of accomplishment, bitterness with all the bullshit I have dealt with, and self loathing at my lack of determination and will needed to get up every morning at the crack of dawn and look for anouther disappointment. Oh and I was utterly sick to boot, so sick that I was taking high grade anti-biotics just to keep the air ways clear enough for me breath even as virus, fungi and bacteria vie for the joy of my lungs.
so I was lying there, back in care, sick as a dog with a headache from lack of oxygen as my lungs filled with things I would rather not even think about let alone remember, and for the first moment all year I got it. I had been expecting the worst, had been unable to carry myself any distance what so ever, bitter because I couldn't succeed in what I really needed to be and I finally stopped. The holy ghost is somewhat hard to ignore some days and there when I wanted to give up and accept that the best I could hope for was my death. I find myself needing to clean up my act, and put away my sins, and remember that I am alive because i am his, not because I just wanted to get my own way. So I went and started to clean my hard drive, work on my personal failings, notice my cursing, my anger, my sloth, my pride, and even go so far as to start to work on them.
But it also came with a different idea as well, a gift of mathematics and chaos theory that both astounded me and removed both the problems of free-will and predestination. Its so simple it sounds crazy but the two ideas are co-existent and don't break the universal understanding if applied to the concepts of strange attractors and a better understanding of the concept of infinity and eternity. its weird when you find yourself writing a thesis the next day solving an imponderable that split the protestant church into factions and continually drives people from the church to this day and it really isn't your mind that can easily express the idea but the next day its written clearer and more concisely than you have ever written before.
but the weirdest thing is not that, its the next day, when the energy, life and hope mixed with shame and grief that i felt the day before is gone, and all I am left with is the numbness and grey that I feel now. I know its a numbness required for healing, I know its there to allow me to compose myself and design how I will tackle the gifts I have been bestowed, with a chance to reignite my faith if I take it up. But the numbness is there, and I feel the other presences I have felt most of my life but ignored because they are not Holy beings grabbing hold of me and distracting me from my task. What I didn't expect was to be reminded again of my failings and to be reminded of the way as i have got closer to this week when I was rebuked for cursing by a non believer a few weeks later put the boot in on the failings I need to work on but it also reminded me even sick I need to work on what I have been tasked to do.
So here I am 2 am not particularly well, still worried about my bone density, and my lungs because the machines don't deal with people of my size, and finally out of the daze that i have for a year been in. even as i learned it wasn't what i needed. even as i squandered my days I didn't accomplish anything worth while, but it wasn't because i could avoid it. I was learning patience, I was learning to ignore the numbness, and it has finally revived an ember in me for something better. It is a something better I will find in the not so normal, and will mean I have to follow the theological pathway, that I ignored and fight against each day, but it can only make me whole if I choose something in which i am passionate. choosing the simple money choice has failed, choosing the skills i am most blessed with is proving to be a joke, but something else is here and i am somewhat unsure what it is that I am going to be but what ever it is I will be it soon.
a life full of joy and pain
So although its not officially summer in Adelaide the temperature has decided that it will start again. And with it I have started to lack sleep again. Restlessness permiates my night soul and the things that should matter again are becoming jumbled. I can't stop thinking about death, love, pain, and the environment and the core basis of humanity. the world is full of joy and pain and it seems to be my mantra touching my body and design. I keep on losing weight, but with it I seem to be losing focus and care about, well, anything. The joy is disconnected, the pain is significant but not real. I cannot emotionally sense and its like having your retinas yanked out after always living in the light.
I know that I am loved and it is absolute and certain but it is not emotional anymore. Its closer to the fundament of reality than the living life I have known for so very long. Instead its nearly tangible but without the warmth and truth I have for so long held. I know I need to retun to the church, i need to pray, I need so more hope but the lack of care is always there. however the love is even now more real than ever before but it is lacking in the life that I know from a living jesus.
On top of this sex and passion keep on rearing their design but even my beast doesn't want to wake up and find a mate. I want to feel the passion and want to retun to the desire I have held in check for so very long but the passion just seems oblique.
but even as I write this i find that I really am in an incredible world of wonder. I can game, I keep on seeing future possibilities and although I know that I cannot be part of most of them the world looks like it will walk the path if we can get off our collective ass and utilise what we have been given. but even with this little ray of light in my life I see the darkness rising as well. The future is not bright but its not murky or obsure anymore. We can make power without non renewable resources at an efficient level cheeply enough. we can provide the food we need for our entire population if we are willing to use hydroculture and fully renewable food stocks. we can survive hunan disasters if we start to look to each other. we can expand to the rest of the solar system if we are willing to again look to the stars. but depression, the spiritual maise of faithlessness, the passionless analyitical path, and the belief in corporations, markets and the degredation of internal cultures keeps on destoying the truth of a greater future.
I hope i'm wrong, I don't expect to last more than 2 years now and I doubt now that I will ever find the one I was made to love but if I knew that people could at least belive in a greatness that loves them truly named jesus christ I might at least die hopeful for the future of man.
I know that I am loved and it is absolute and certain but it is not emotional anymore. Its closer to the fundament of reality than the living life I have known for so very long. Instead its nearly tangible but without the warmth and truth I have for so long held. I know I need to retun to the church, i need to pray, I need so more hope but the lack of care is always there. however the love is even now more real than ever before but it is lacking in the life that I know from a living jesus.
On top of this sex and passion keep on rearing their design but even my beast doesn't want to wake up and find a mate. I want to feel the passion and want to retun to the desire I have held in check for so very long but the passion just seems oblique.
but even as I write this i find that I really am in an incredible world of wonder. I can game, I keep on seeing future possibilities and although I know that I cannot be part of most of them the world looks like it will walk the path if we can get off our collective ass and utilise what we have been given. but even with this little ray of light in my life I see the darkness rising as well. The future is not bright but its not murky or obsure anymore. We can make power without non renewable resources at an efficient level cheeply enough. we can provide the food we need for our entire population if we are willing to use hydroculture and fully renewable food stocks. we can survive hunan disasters if we start to look to each other. we can expand to the rest of the solar system if we are willing to again look to the stars. but depression, the spiritual maise of faithlessness, the passionless analyitical path, and the belief in corporations, markets and the degredation of internal cultures keeps on destoying the truth of a greater future.
I hope i'm wrong, I don't expect to last more than 2 years now and I doubt now that I will ever find the one I was made to love but if I knew that people could at least belive in a greatness that loves them truly named jesus christ I might at least die hopeful for the future of man.
looking at the world afresh
Hi its been awhile. Hard to know really why I have been avoiding the blogosphere but time has been against us for a while.
None the less its a good day to return with fresh eyes and a voice anew. I have returned to unemployment after a good 2 year run. I can't say I am sorry to leave the position I was in. The night shift, the hours, the incredible boredom these I will not miss. The people and the security however these I am going to miss a lot.
The lack of safety is not as bad as I thought It would be. I have hated this job with a passion for at least as long as I have not posted and It is not until now that I really got why I didn't want to post. The wonder at the little things that this blog is for had been subsumed by the passion of hate and injustice.
The place I used to work for has had a bad run. It allowed inappropriate actions to be undertaken by staff, had management that failed in its duty of care and allowed both underpayment and safety issues to occur, worse it lost money in a business that just should not lose money. I even became a union member and in the end staff rep' just to see if I could get a few of the issues looked into. That worked out terribly with the people i tried to help just becoming the punching bags of management strategies and the workplace just going further down the tubes.
This latent hate, these broken understandings lent me to failing to write or produce the stories I so desparately want to build in my life. Its hard to write positive hope about shattered dreams, failed expectations and promises.
However the job and the hatred taught me so much. How to compartmentalise my home and life from my work; how to deal with people on the phone briskly and effectively; how to pitch my voice and invoke calm in even the most agatated member of the public. It was this invoking of made up emotions instead of my natural empathic ability that most drained me however and has just increased the releaf of not working there.
But the real question now is what to do next. I can't accept not having an income source and the instabiliy of not having a job, while the constant rejection of people regarding my abilities and honour will lead me inevitably down the same pathway that I have walked previously and destroy my finally reconstructed ego.
But if I learned nothing else I dont want to go back to a crap job. It is not worth it.
So where from here? don't know but at least its going to be interesting.
None the less its a good day to return with fresh eyes and a voice anew. I have returned to unemployment after a good 2 year run. I can't say I am sorry to leave the position I was in. The night shift, the hours, the incredible boredom these I will not miss. The people and the security however these I am going to miss a lot.
The lack of safety is not as bad as I thought It would be. I have hated this job with a passion for at least as long as I have not posted and It is not until now that I really got why I didn't want to post. The wonder at the little things that this blog is for had been subsumed by the passion of hate and injustice.
The place I used to work for has had a bad run. It allowed inappropriate actions to be undertaken by staff, had management that failed in its duty of care and allowed both underpayment and safety issues to occur, worse it lost money in a business that just should not lose money. I even became a union member and in the end staff rep' just to see if I could get a few of the issues looked into. That worked out terribly with the people i tried to help just becoming the punching bags of management strategies and the workplace just going further down the tubes.
This latent hate, these broken understandings lent me to failing to write or produce the stories I so desparately want to build in my life. Its hard to write positive hope about shattered dreams, failed expectations and promises.
However the job and the hatred taught me so much. How to compartmentalise my home and life from my work; how to deal with people on the phone briskly and effectively; how to pitch my voice and invoke calm in even the most agatated member of the public. It was this invoking of made up emotions instead of my natural empathic ability that most drained me however and has just increased the releaf of not working there.
But the real question now is what to do next. I can't accept not having an income source and the instabiliy of not having a job, while the constant rejection of people regarding my abilities and honour will lead me inevitably down the same pathway that I have walked previously and destroy my finally reconstructed ego.
But if I learned nothing else I dont want to go back to a crap job. It is not worth it.
So where from here? don't know but at least its going to be interesting.
I have made a lot of compromises in my life. From choosing jobs that I really did not care about one way or the other in the past, to giving up my business because I saw it to be unprofitable in the long run when bigger businesses squeezed me out, to giving up my dreams of science because I understood that I was never meant to be a scientist: I believe to much and dream too hard.
I have given up contact with friends because of time constraints and problems with communication, and many of those so called friends and acquaintances which I cared about have again and again failed to contact me in return even when they knew I would have problems getting to them. I have failed to keep people informed of my activities and failed even more to take up the mantle of activities that I could have undertaken. Worse I have failed to find something I really love and made something of it.
I have failed to look after my social, and sensual life and made an incredible amount of compromises of this type. I have dated a few women, none successfully in the long term either due to my shyness, my physical frame or because of the ghost-shadow that the first two women I dated and thought I loved left. I have failed to pursue those I was interested in and choose to pursue my own mind and the worlds that revolved in it.
But worst of all I have failed in my spiritual duties and not pursued what really think in the long run is what I need to follow. I just find myself beinng unable to commit to the project i need to pursue, it isn't science, economics, storytelling, even farming, it is frightening beyond scope for a person totally terrified by public speaking.
I have done very little that is of benefit to the world, just a few words given to me by one far greater than myself, but is these words that I truly love either when I bring the worlds of imagination to others in the games I portray or in the comforting of others and counseling to find their own paths to god.
I need to become a person of Faith, for both economists and scientists. I need to bring the word of god to others even if its something unexpected.
I have given up contact with friends because of time constraints and problems with communication, and many of those so called friends and acquaintances which I cared about have again and again failed to contact me in return even when they knew I would have problems getting to them. I have failed to keep people informed of my activities and failed even more to take up the mantle of activities that I could have undertaken. Worse I have failed to find something I really love and made something of it.
I have failed to look after my social, and sensual life and made an incredible amount of compromises of this type. I have dated a few women, none successfully in the long term either due to my shyness, my physical frame or because of the ghost-shadow that the first two women I dated and thought I loved left. I have failed to pursue those I was interested in and choose to pursue my own mind and the worlds that revolved in it.
But worst of all I have failed in my spiritual duties and not pursued what really think in the long run is what I need to follow. I just find myself beinng unable to commit to the project i need to pursue, it isn't science, economics, storytelling, even farming, it is frightening beyond scope for a person totally terrified by public speaking.
I have done very little that is of benefit to the world, just a few words given to me by one far greater than myself, but is these words that I truly love either when I bring the worlds of imagination to others in the games I portray or in the comforting of others and counseling to find their own paths to god.
I need to become a person of Faith, for both economists and scientists. I need to bring the word of god to others even if its something unexpected.
I'm talk'n religion
I was on the phone tonight and someone asked a question regarding my religion, and then backed it up by asking why I believe in one god?
I just couldn't get that one out of my mind. I often can't and as the sun slowly rises making it really morning I just can escape the truth of this question. So why do I believe?
I could talk about my experiences, I could talk about how it makes me more than I am, I could talk about morality, madness and the terrible and wonderful things I saw on the journey that made me come to the realisation that there is a god, that he is jesus christ and that he loves me, forgives me and actively provides and changes me. But the truth is although all of these facits are real it to me is about relationships.
I believe in Jesus Christ as my savior, because I know without a doubt that dna uncontrolled fades in 7 generations, that monuments become dust, and that people die but relationships, and the love that is behind them last. I know that what I do does matter, but it is today, not tommorrow, not yesterday that really matters and it is by my relationships that I am judged each and every moment of every day.
I can't take my material possessions with me when I die, I can't change the laws of nature or mess with the fundament of faith, but I can believe, leave behind joy, communion and love. To me living with jesus means that I live in his presence and have a daily and complete relationship with him, a relationship of love and honesty that means that I can be understood completely, and love the rest of humanity as well, even when I feal highly annoyed a them.
And boy do I feel peeved each night I work. But I also find that even when I am angry, tired, annoyed and the person is acting like a doufus I have patience, kindness and love still pushing inside trying to come out.
So that's why I believe, I believe because I couldn't exist as a complete person without it, and it is the communion and relationships that make me who I am.
Summer of strangeness
Its hard to be enthused in the summer of South Australia. Its always hot, always bright and at night people start to act up when the oppressive heat of the day lets up but is equally far too hot for sleep. For very large people like myself Summer is not a fun time of year.
Summer makes the imperfections clear, makes the little inequalities, the distancing and heat more obvious, while tinging everything in it with its own effects. And it is this that really gets to me more than the heat. I always feel more excluded in Summer and for someone who values people and relationships this is a thing that will always ache. However it is also the time for planting autum crops and nurturing the social portion of my life for the winter court to come.
For this reason I have to look a little further to find the joy of the period. The first is obvious when you look at the fashions of the state at this time. The fashions are for summer heat and encourage skimpy and thin clothing, not a bad thing for a single guy. But over the last few years the strange sight of several hundred lycra clad lunatics cycling the hills and dales of the greater Barossa and Adelaide area and getting both burnt by the sun and walking bow legged after finding the hills far more significant than they ever expected, is the real thing that just makes me chuckle.
Its hard not to smile at the antics of the Tour down under with so many people loving the sun and the spectacle, and participating in something that brings a state together. But for large people like myself trying to find a bike that would even allow me to fit on its seat and for it not to go straight to places I don't like to think about is nearly impossible. So although I get to love the madness of it all I equally find myself excluded and even these events get tinged a little with the omnipresent distance and starkness of it all.
So here I am hiding in my room, curtains closed against the sun, and several hundred cyclists again prove that there are still some things to be enthused at. I will leave the room soon and then go to care for my garden knowing that the summer will not last forever and what I nurture in the ground, in my relationships and in myself will soon again grow.
Summer makes the imperfections clear, makes the little inequalities, the distancing and heat more obvious, while tinging everything in it with its own effects. And it is this that really gets to me more than the heat. I always feel more excluded in Summer and for someone who values people and relationships this is a thing that will always ache. However it is also the time for planting autum crops and nurturing the social portion of my life for the winter court to come.
For this reason I have to look a little further to find the joy of the period. The first is obvious when you look at the fashions of the state at this time. The fashions are for summer heat and encourage skimpy and thin clothing, not a bad thing for a single guy. But over the last few years the strange sight of several hundred lycra clad lunatics cycling the hills and dales of the greater Barossa and Adelaide area and getting both burnt by the sun and walking bow legged after finding the hills far more significant than they ever expected, is the real thing that just makes me chuckle.
Its hard not to smile at the antics of the Tour down under with so many people loving the sun and the spectacle, and participating in something that brings a state together. But for large people like myself trying to find a bike that would even allow me to fit on its seat and for it not to go straight to places I don't like to think about is nearly impossible. So although I get to love the madness of it all I equally find myself excluded and even these events get tinged a little with the omnipresent distance and starkness of it all.
So here I am hiding in my room, curtains closed against the sun, and several hundred cyclists again prove that there are still some things to be enthused at. I will leave the room soon and then go to care for my garden knowing that the summer will not last forever and what I nurture in the ground, in my relationships and in myself will soon again grow.
its all gett'n a little to real now
So I on the phones new years and I couldn't escape the constant stream of angry, drunk, or generally lunatic madness that comes from that most exceptional of nights. We were answering hundreds of calls but with the tiny number of team members couldn't cope with them all.
And then the night got real. Midnight came upon us and everything went mad. I can hardly remember the next 4 hours due to the volume of calls and it was only the breaths in between scripts that were able to measured.
I found that there was a smile on my face that just wouldn't stop growing and couldn't be repressed in my voice.
Have you ever been in a situation where the task was so monumental, so utterly without hope of success that you cannot but laugh or cry. I often have it but new years was one of the first since falling in the grampians and nearly dying that truly forced me to be overwhellmed, exhausted and joyful all in the same breath.
And then at 4 my shift ended, but it was still going on for so many of my companions. My smile faded, but the joy didn't. I knew anger, and pain during the night. I had kept on thinking that the voices in my head were often idiots, but the fact was although I had felt absolute anger welling in me, resentment that was utterly human, I could not but remain joyful.
So there you are, the more real it got, the more pain I felt, the more the anger, resentment and impatient I am the more the joy, the love and the greatness of humanity came to my fore. I wonder how others react to the tempering fires?
Have a great new year everyone. Find your bliss.
And then the night got real. Midnight came upon us and everything went mad. I can hardly remember the next 4 hours due to the volume of calls and it was only the breaths in between scripts that were able to measured.
I found that there was a smile on my face that just wouldn't stop growing and couldn't be repressed in my voice.
Have you ever been in a situation where the task was so monumental, so utterly without hope of success that you cannot but laugh or cry. I often have it but new years was one of the first since falling in the grampians and nearly dying that truly forced me to be overwhellmed, exhausted and joyful all in the same breath.
And then at 4 my shift ended, but it was still going on for so many of my companions. My smile faded, but the joy didn't. I knew anger, and pain during the night. I had kept on thinking that the voices in my head were often idiots, but the fact was although I had felt absolute anger welling in me, resentment that was utterly human, I could not but remain joyful.
So there you are, the more real it got, the more pain I felt, the more the anger, resentment and impatient I am the more the joy, the love and the greatness of humanity came to my fore. I wonder how others react to the tempering fires?
Have a great new year everyone. Find your bliss.
I was struck by a question and my response on the way of work todayWork colleague "You know that you don't get gold stars for being here don't you (referring to the fact that I had taken an additional shift when requested that was highly uncomfortable)?"Me "No I really didn't have anything else to do with my time."
The truth of the matter struck me like a hammer. I really don't have that much I actually "Have" to do. I get up and go to work, I have very little in the way of social interaction, sure I talk but these are not real relationships, and generally the major problems of the day are pretty minor in the scope of things. But I really don't have to get up and work like I do and especially work at nights. it's not like it is a job where i really think or develop and it has become my life.
Its a life that is nothing like what I wanted to do when I was a child or teenager or even young adult but it is something which I have come to enjoy. I have enjoyed not having to fight for a job, not having to hold back the madness of daily life, not having to contain my empathic abilities from lack of use, not having to continually think about anything of value. Unfortunately it has made me complacent as I have very little in my life that I really "need" except the company of people I happen to like.
It gave me a wake up call, now I have to do something with it or this little bit of wonder may remain guttering in the dark.
The truth of the matter struck me like a hammer. I really don't have that much I actually "Have" to do. I get up and go to work, I have very little in the way of social interaction, sure I talk but these are not real relationships, and generally the major problems of the day are pretty minor in the scope of things. But I really don't have to get up and work like I do and especially work at nights. it's not like it is a job where i really think or develop and it has become my life.
Its a life that is nothing like what I wanted to do when I was a child or teenager or even young adult but it is something which I have come to enjoy. I have enjoyed not having to fight for a job, not having to hold back the madness of daily life, not having to contain my empathic abilities from lack of use, not having to continually think about anything of value. Unfortunately it has made me complacent as I have very little in my life that I really "need" except the company of people I happen to like.
It gave me a wake up call, now I have to do something with it or this little bit of wonder may remain guttering in the dark.
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